We loaded up the truck with Greg's latest toy, made by his neighbor(more on this device in the near future), and off we went. The best part about this new toy, is when your cruising down the freeway, you're shown everyone you're off fishing, and it also looks like your trolling for some monsters!!
Bobby was the first to land a fish...
Then it was Sammy's turn to catch one...
Then Greg landed one just as Sammy caught another...
Then it was my turn...
And then my turn again...
We didn't come close to breaking The Salty Dog record of 39 fish in one day, but we came close, and I definitely got close to the most caught by one person, I lost count after 7 and a couple hours later had to have caught a good 10+ more. Most of which were caught on one piece of bait. We've now figured out how to catch bait, now to just figure out how to catch a Shark, or Ray. Greg did get a bite from something big, but his line broke so we weren't able to figure out what it was, but it broke his line with little to no effort so it wasn't something small. This is not how much fish we caught by all means, we were cutting most them up for chum. This just shows we weren't taking turns holding up the same fish...
It started to get really cold and we were getting really tired!!
Another completely successful night fishing pier trip!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Pier Fishing Gone Wild!!
The first big catch!! Then Darin Landed the Lunker!! You can't see the meta data on this photo but it's 5:46am Then the beast made it way to the surface of the water after a good 30-40mins of fighting the boys the ray finally decided to just give up and we were able to get him to the base of the pier. Now at the base of the pier...now what?? Jose neighboring fisherman luckily had a gaf and we began trying to gaf the ray and rope it up to the top of the pier. (The next set of photos are way over exposed so that you can see that ray, it was really dark and hard to get clear shots 20 feet below us) All and all after 3-4 attempts to pull the ray up to the top of the pier the line finally broke and we lost the ray. Â But both he and Darin walked away with battle scars!! Darin had line burn on several fingers and his hand, and the ray had several gaf scars. It was definitely a life changing night. We all vowed then and their that we would be back to catch more rays and sharks. This time we'll be pre-pared!! The next pictures you see on this blog will show us wading in the surf with our ray "landed"!! Hope you enjoy!!