The first big catch!!

Then Darin Landed the Lunker!!

You can't see the meta data on this photo but it's 5:46am

Then the beast made it way to the surface of the water after a good 30-40mins of fighting the boys the ray finally decided to just give up and we were able to get him to the base of the pier.

Now at the base of the what?? Jose neighboring fisherman luckily had a gaf and we began trying to gaf the ray and rope it up to the top of the pier.
(The next set of photos are way over exposed so that you can see that ray, it was really dark and hard to get clear shots 20 feet below us)

All and all after 3-4 attempts to pull the ray up to the top of the pier the line finally broke and we lost the ray. Â But both he and Darin walked away with battle scars!! Darin had line burn on several fingers and his hand, and the ray had several gaf scars. It was definitely a life changing night. We all vowed then and their that we would be back to catch more rays and sharks. This time we'll be pre-pared!! The next pictures you see on this blog will show us wading in the surf with our ray "landed"!! Hope you enjoy!!

Then Darin Landed the Lunker!!

You can't see the meta data on this photo but it's 5:46am

Then the beast made it way to the surface of the water after a good 30-40mins of fighting the boys the ray finally decided to just give up and we were able to get him to the base of the pier.

Now at the base of the what?? Jose neighboring fisherman luckily had a gaf and we began trying to gaf the ray and rope it up to the top of the pier.
(The next set of photos are way over exposed so that you can see that ray, it was really dark and hard to get clear shots 20 feet below us)

All and all after 3-4 attempts to pull the ray up to the top of the pier the line finally broke and we lost the ray. Â But both he and Darin walked away with battle scars!! Darin had line burn on several fingers and his hand, and the ray had several gaf scars. It was definitely a life changing night. We all vowed then and their that we would be back to catch more rays and sharks. This time we'll be pre-pared!! The next pictures you see on this blog will show us wading in the surf with our ray "landed"!! Hope you enjoy!!
Hey guys, Great Blog! I know those guys. Is it Dogs or Dawgs? Good luck in your future fishing outings. Papa
Greg (Sir)-
I want in on the shark hunt.
to you guys that i don't know, I am an associate of Greg's in the big bad world of real estate.
He was showing you off by giving me this blog site. In addition to the documentatin of the valiant fight with the wiley sea creature, I also love the music. I offer you another fantastic selection...The Wicked Tinkers
that's all for now!
typo correction
a thousand pardons
Great shots!! What an exciting fishing experience! The big one really did get away!! carol grams
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